WWW.INISIAL.CO.CC   Rasulullah bersabda (yang artinya), "Sesungguhnya Islam pertama kali muncul dalam keadaaan asing dan nanti akan kembali asing sebagaimana semula. Maka berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba')."(hadits shahih riwayat Muslim) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). (Mereka adalah) orang-orang shalih yang berada di tengah orang-orang yang berperangai buruk. Dan orang yang memusuhinya lebih banyak daripada yang mengikuti mereka."(hadits shahih riwayat Ahmad) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). Yaitu mereka yang mengadakan perbaikan (ishlah) ketika manusia rusak."(hadits shahih riwayat Abu Amr Ad Dani dan Al Ajurry)
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تبرئة العلامة الهرري مما افتراه عليه المدعو عبد الرحمن دمشقية في كتابه المسمى "الحبشي شذوذه وأخطاؤه"  والكتاب المسمى "بين أهل السنة وأهل الفتنة" وغيرهما من الإصدارات من مناشير وشرط  

Wrought iron

Wrought iron is commercially pure iron. In contrast to steel, it has a very low carbon content. It is a fibrous material due to the slag inclusions (a normal constituent). This is also what gives it a "grain" resembling wood, which is visible when it is etched or bent to the point of failure. Wrought iron is tough, malleable, ductile and easily welded.Wrought iron has been used for many centuries, and is the "iron" that is referred to throughout western history. The other form of iron, cast iron, was not introduced into Western Europe until the 15th century; even then, due to its brittleness, it could only be used for a limited number of purposes. Throughout much of the Middle Ages iron was produced by the direct reduction of ore in manually operated bloomeries, although waterpower had begun to be employed by 1104
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Bring your landscape lighting design to life when the sun goes down. Compliment the natural beauty of your garden decor with this unique low voltage garden pathway

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