WWW.INISIAL.CO.CC   Rasulullah bersabda (yang artinya), "Sesungguhnya Islam pertama kali muncul dalam keadaaan asing dan nanti akan kembali asing sebagaimana semula. Maka berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba')."(hadits shahih riwayat Muslim) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). (Mereka adalah) orang-orang shalih yang berada di tengah orang-orang yang berperangai buruk. Dan orang yang memusuhinya lebih banyak daripada yang mengikuti mereka."(hadits shahih riwayat Ahmad) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). Yaitu mereka yang mengadakan perbaikan (ishlah) ketika manusia rusak."(hadits shahih riwayat Abu Amr Ad Dani dan Al Ajurry)
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تبرئة العلامة الهرري مما افتراه عليه المدعو عبد الرحمن دمشقية في كتابه المسمى "الحبشي شذوذه وأخطاؤه"  والكتاب المسمى "بين أهل السنة وأهل الفتنة" وغيرهما من الإصدارات من مناشير وشرط  

Religion of Christian and Majusi

Religion of Christian and Majusi
After coming God permission to it so that he guide the medial people [of] Pharaoh saying to its people: " I your the infinite [is] highest"he deal with the Pharaoh [by] xself and its sorcerers, so that finally he perforced to together other people Israil move to Palestinian. And [in] this Palestinian [is] also borne [by] Jesus, Ruh And Firman Allah which [is] [is] swept in [by] x'self Mariam. After God take back the male Jesus [of] Mariam, its pupils later;then propagate the religion Nasrani suggested [by] that Jesus. They and their followers experience of all kinds of maltreatment. Later after with God will;desire [is] this religion [is] spread over, come the Emperor Rumawi mastering world at the time, bringing pennon of religion Nasrani. Entire/All Empire Romawi nowadays have embraced the Jesus religion. Spread over [by] this religion [in] Egypt, [in] Syam ( Suria-Libanon And Palestinian) and Greek, and from Egypt disseminate also to Ethiopia. Thereafter during some this religion power century gain strength also. All that is under Monarchic pennon [of] Rumawi and which wish to perform [a] the good [relation/link] and friendship Monarchicly this, under that religion Masehi pennon
Deal with the religion Masehi which [is] [is] spread over below/under pennon and that influence Rumawi stand up also power of religion Majusi [in] Persian getting morale support in the East Far and [in] India. During some that century [is] Asiria And Egypt unfolding as long as Funisia, have hindered the happening of a[n direct contention [among/between] trust and Western civilization with the East. But with entry of Egypt and Funisia into environment Masehi had also eliminated that barricade. Understand Masehi [in] West and Majusi in the East now have vis face. During some century successively, goodness of West and also East


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