WWW.INISIAL.CO.CC   Rasulullah bersabda (yang artinya), "Sesungguhnya Islam pertama kali muncul dalam keadaaan asing dan nanti akan kembali asing sebagaimana semula. Maka berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba')."(hadits shahih riwayat Muslim) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). (Mereka adalah) orang-orang shalih yang berada di tengah orang-orang yang berperangai buruk. Dan orang yang memusuhinya lebih banyak daripada yang mengikuti mereka."(hadits shahih riwayat Ahmad) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). Yaitu mereka yang mengadakan perbaikan (ishlah) ketika manusia rusak."(hadits shahih riwayat Abu Amr Ad Dani dan Al Ajurry)
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تبرئة العلامة الهرري مما افتراه عليه المدعو عبد الرحمن دمشقية في كتابه المسمى "الحبشي شذوذه وأخطاؤه"  والكتاب المسمى "بين أهل السنة وأهل الفتنة" وغيرهما من الإصدارات من مناشير وشرط  

just for knowledge

The System you need for good performance often depends on the game you want to play. While for example a game with many complex graphics such as Final Fantasy 9 will require a rather fast PC, you'll be able to play Tekken 1 on a low-end PC already.

During our tests, we noticed a HEAVY difference between, for example, the AMD K6/2 - 500 Mhz processors and the PII 500 Mhz processors. It seems that the slow FPU of the AMD K6-x processors can cause up to 50% less speed than with a comparable Intel processor. The Athlon and Duron processors, however, don't experience this problem any more though.

onestepMinimum system requirements :

P200MMX or compatible

64 MB of RAM

Fast graphic card (like the voodoo 2)

16x CD-Rom

Windows 9x

DirectX 7a

onestepRecommended system configuration :

Pentium II 500 or faster

256 MB of RAM

A fast DirectX or Opengl compatible graphic card, e.g. the NVidia GeForce 2

Fast CD-ROM with good access times

Windows 2000 or XP

DirectX 8

As we said, results may vary. If you're above the recommended system configuration and still have problems, it might either be a bug in the emulator or a mis-configuration. For help with these issues, make sure to check the configuration part in this help file !

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