WWW.INISIAL.CO.CC   Rasulullah bersabda (yang artinya), "Sesungguhnya Islam pertama kali muncul dalam keadaaan asing dan nanti akan kembali asing sebagaimana semula. Maka berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba')."(hadits shahih riwayat Muslim) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). (Mereka adalah) orang-orang shalih yang berada di tengah orang-orang yang berperangai buruk. Dan orang yang memusuhinya lebih banyak daripada yang mengikuti mereka."(hadits shahih riwayat Ahmad) "Berbahagialah orang-orang yang asing (alghuroba'). Yaitu mereka yang mengadakan perbaikan (ishlah) ketika manusia rusak."(hadits shahih riwayat Abu Amr Ad Dani dan Al Ajurry)
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تبرئة العلامة الهرري مما افتراه عليه المدعو عبد الرحمن دمشقية في كتابه المسمى "الحبشي شذوذه وأخطاؤه"  والكتاب المسمى "بين أهل السنة وأهل الفتنة" وغيرهما من الإصدارات من مناشير وشرط  

Hiv Aids

in the era of free sex like in the country such as the United States is free of many of those who contract the disease Hiv Aids or have not also found in medicine until now the disease attacks the body's resilience someone who is affected by this disease is certainly a lot of disease because of the resilience of the body have been destroyed by the virus, people who contract the disease is certain death, but the scientists the world does not want to lose with this virus is to create the scientists or serum drug that can prevent this virus may be developing the disease can only be patient waiting time already in the set by God, This condition progressively reduces the effectiveness of the immune system and leaves individuals susceptible to infection and oportunistik Tumors. HIV is spread through direct contact of mucous or blood with body fluids containing HIV, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluid, preseminal fluid, and breast milk.

This transmission can involve anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion, contaminated hypodermic needles, exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, or other exposure to one of the body fluids. AIDS is now pandemi. In 2007, he estimates that 33.2 million people living with the disease in the world, and that AIDS has killed about 2.1 million people, including 330,000 children. More than three-quarters of the deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa, retarding economic growth and destroying human beings.




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